[NIST] Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature

등록일2024. 09. 27
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[NIST] Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature

[NIST] Product

어스바이오는 NIST 전문 취급점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
NIST의 Physical Properties of Liquids and Glasses 제품 소개드립니다.

[NIST] Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature

A unit consists of 22 lengths of approximately 12.7 cm of glass tubing.

Product Description:

This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is a mixed alkaline carth aluminosilicate glass that is certified for the liquidus temperature. It is for use in checking test methods and in calibrating cquipment specified in ASTM 829 Standard Practices for Measurement of Liquidus Temperature by the Gradient Furnace Method. Each SRM unit consists of 22 lengths of approximately 12.7 cm (5 in) of glass tubing totalling approximately 250 g.

Product Information:

  • SKU: 1416
  • Availability: Available for Purchase
  • Unit of Issue: 250 g
  • Homogeneity and Certification Measurements: Homogeneity of the glass was established at NIST, based on reasurement of the liquidus temperature on several lengths of glass tubing randomly selected from the total lot. Total variability of the measurements was less than the method repeatability criterion of ± 10 C. indicating that the glass is homogencous for this measurement.
  • Instructions for Use: The glass lubing provided must be crushed with a clean mortar and pestle and sicved to obtain particles finer than 0.85 mm (#20 sieve) for measurement, as spccificd in ASTM C829. The method specifies preparation of 70 g of glass for a measurement sequence. The crushed glass is hygroscopic, and therefore shouid be stored in a desiccator if measurements are not made immediately.

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